Regulations Art. 12
Any scientific terms should be expressed in the original language of the international application together with the Arabic translation when used for the first time. Subsequently, the Arabic only should be included, except for the claims, where the term shall be indicated in both languages.
For abbreviations in foreign languages, the full name, in both Arabic and English, shall be indicated when used for the first time in the text. Subsequently, the abbreviation only shall be used.
The same Arabic term for a Latin word shall be used when the Latin term recurs in the text.
Symbols, units, names and basic physical constants approved by the International Union for Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP), the SUNAMCO Commission, published in the Union Document No. 25 shall be used.
Latin letters shall be used in accordance with the International Union for Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) System for writing structural figures and chemical formulae, symbols of chemical elements, compounds and names. If a chemical name appears in the title it shall be written in both Arabic and Latin.
References, research papers, articles and scientific books shall be written in their original language.