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GR - Useful information
GR - International Phase
GR - Annex B - Information on Contracting States or Intergovernmental Organization
GR - Annex C - Receiving Office
GR - National Phase
WIPO - PCT Applicant's Guide
GR - Greece
Industrial Property Organization (OBI) (Greece)
Applicable as from
1 January 2025
(published on 25 November 2024)
Summary of latest changes in this version
RO: RO fees
Consult the full list of the changes
Previous version(s):
You can consult previous versions of the document. The only applicable version is the current version.
15 Sep 2023
1 Jan 2024
25 Apr 2024
4 Jul 2024
19 Sep 2024
Current Version
Useful information
The PCT Applicant’s Guide is updated almost every week with information received by the International Bureau.
In case of question, please contact the Office or the International Bureau:
List of abbreviations used in this document:
Office: Industrial Property Organization (OBI) (Greece)
List of currencies used in this document:
EUR (Euro)
Countries and Offices information:
The list of acronyms used for Offices is no longer shown as it has been integrated in the mouseover functionality for each ST.3 code shown in this document.
Refer to
List of WIPO Standards, Recommendations and Guidelines
formerly Annex K, List of country names and two-letter codes. It includes a list of short names and two-letter codes accepted for use in indicating States, other entities and intergovernmental organizations and their Offices in documents relating to international applications under the PCT. The list is as set out in WIPO Standard ST.3.
Also refer to
PCT Contracting States
formerly Annex A.
Office profile
For more technical information about the Office, refer to
ePCT Office profile
PCT Reservations, Declarations, Notifications and Incompatibilities
Rule 26
Refer to
the full list
Office Closed dates
The Office is closed weekly on Saturday and Sunday
Additional closed dates can be consulted on the
Office Closed dates page
International Phase
Annex B - Information on Contracting States or Intergovernmental Organization
Contracting State:
Two-letter code:
Greece - Industrial Property Organization (OBI) (Greece)
Name of Office:
Industrial Property Organization (OBI) (Greece)
5 Gianni Stavroulaki St.
Paradissos Amaroussiou
15125 Athens
Mailing address:
Same as above
(30-210) 618 36 67
(30-210) 618 35 08
(30-210) 681 92 31
Does the Office accept the filing of documents by facsimile or the like means (PCT Rule 92.4)?
Yes, by facsimile
Which kinds of documents may be so transmitted?
All kind of documents
Must the original of the document be furnished in all cases?
Does the Office send notifications via e-mail in respect of international applications?
Would the Office accept evidence of mailing a document, in case of loss or delay, where a delivery service other than the postal authorities is used (PCT Rule 82.1)?
Is the Office prepared to allow applicants to make applications available to the WIPO Digital Access Service for Priority Documents (DAS) (PCT Rule 17.1(b-
More information about WIPO DAS is available at:
Competent receiving Office(s) for international applications filed by nationals or residents of this State:
European Patent Organisation - European Patent Office (EPO)
Greece - Industrial Property Organization (OBI) (Greece)
International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) - International Bureau of WIPO
Does national legislation restrict the filing of international applications with foreign Offices?
Presidential Decree No. 16/1991 Implementing Regulations of the Patent Cooperation Treaty as ratified by Law No. 1883/1990, Article 3, par. 2 and Law No. 4325/1963 on the Inventions Concerning the National Defence, Art. 1 and 2.
Filing restrictions apply to:
Applications by nationals
Unless the priority of an earlier application filed in Greece is claimed
Competent designated (or elected) Office(s) for this State:
Refer to corresponding National Phase.
European Patent Organisation - European Patent Office (EPO)
Types of protection available via the PCT:
European patents
Payment methods accepted by the Office:
The Office acts as RO.
Payment methods:
(a) Credit or debit card
(b) Deposit into the OBI' s account with Alpha Bank or its account with the National Bank of Greece
(c) Remittance (by online or telephone banking) to the OBI's account with Alpha Bank or its account with the National Bank of Greece
Bank details:
Beneficary name: OBI Organismos Biomichanikis Idioktisias
(1) Alpha Bank
(Amaroussio Branch No. 146)
64 Kifissias Avenue
151 25 Athens
Account No. 1460 0200 2008 632
IBAN: GR92 0140 1460 1460 0200 2008 632
(2) National Bank of Greece
(Amaroussio Branch No. 669)
6-8 Kifissias Avenue
151 25 Athens
Account No. 66947900149
ΙΒΑΝ: GR05 0110 6690 0000 6694 7900 149
For further information:
Availability under the national law for an international-type search (PCT Article 15):
Provisional protection after international publication:
Designation for the purposes of a European patent:
After international publication or, where that publication was in a language other than one of the official languages of the EPO, after publication by the EPO of the international application translated into one of its official languages, the applicant may, as from the date of publication in the Greek Industrial Property Official Gazette of a notification that a translation of the claims in Greek has been filed with OBI, claim damages and request the description and seizure of the articles infringing the patent and anything used in the making thereof.
Information of interest if this Contracting State is designated (or elected)
For a European patent
Refer to
Annex B(EP)
Annex C - Receiving Office
Competent receiving Office for nationals and residents of:
Language in which international applications may be filed:
The international application filed by a national of Greece must be accompanied by a translation into Greek for the purposes of national security (Law No. 4325/1963 for inventions concerning national defense) if no priority of an earlier national application is claimed.
If the language in which the international application is filed is not accepted by the International Searching Authority (refer to Annex D), the applicant will have to furnish a translation (PCT Rule 12.3).
Language in which the request may be filed:
Number of copies required by the receiving Office if application filed on paper:
Does the receiving Office accept the filing of international applications in electronic form?
Where the international application is filed in electronic form in accordance with and to the extent provided for in Part 7 and Annex F of the Administrative Instructions, the total amount of the international filing fee is reduced (refer to “Fees payable to the RO”).
Where the international application contains a sequence listing as a separate part of the description, this should be furnished in accordance with Annex C of the Administrative Instructions, that is, in compliance with WIPO Standard ST.26 XML format; no fees are due for sequence listings filed in this format.
For the relevant notification by the Office, refer to the Official Notices (PCT Gazette) dated 19 September 2024, pages 152
et seq.
Yes, the Office accepts electronic filing via Front Office (GR epatents) and ePCT-Filing
Does the receiving Office accept incorporation by reference (PCT Rule 20.6)?
Does the receiving Office accept the submission of color drawings on an informal basis and transmit them to the International Bureau?
Does the receiving Office accept requests for restoration of the right of priority (PCT Rule 26
Competent International Searching Authority:
European Patent Organisation - European Patent Office (EPO)
Competent International Preliminary Examining Authority:
European Patent Organisation - European Patent Office (EPO)
Fees payable to the RO:
Transmittal fee:
115 EUR
International filing fee:
This fee is reduced by 90% if certain conditions apply (refer to Annex C(IB)).
1,417 EUR
Fee per sheet in excess of 30:
This fee is reduced by 90% if certain conditions apply (refer to Annex C(IB)).
16 EUR
Reductions (under Schedule of Fees, item 4):
Electronic filing (the request in character coded format):
213 EUR
Electronic filing (the request, description, claims and abstract in character coded format):
320 EUR
Search fee:
Refer to
Annex D(EP)
Fee for priority document (PCT Rule 17.1(b)):
50 EUR
Is an agent required by the receiving Office?
No, if the applicant has a residence or principal place of business in Greece
Yes, if the applicant has neither a residence nor his principal place of business in Greece
Who can act as agent?
Any attorney-at-law qualified to practice in Greece. The list of attorneys may be obtained from the Athens Bar Association, 60 Akademias St., 10679 Athens, Greece (
Waiver of power of attorney:
Has the Office waived the requirement that a separate power of attorney be submitted?
Has the Office waived the requirement that a copy of a general power of attorney be submitted?
National Phase
The Office closed the national route
Refer to
National Chapter(EP)
Change(s) as of
1 January 2025
Highlighted in blue
for easy reference
Mouse hover the text to consult previous value)
Annex C - Receiving Office
International filing fee:
This fee is reduced by 90% if certain conditions apply (refer to Annex C(IB)).
1,417 EUR
Electronic filing (the request in character coded format):
213 EUR
Electronic filing (the request, description, claims and abstract in character coded format):
320 EUR