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WIPO - PCT Applicant's Guide IB - World Intellectual Property Organization
International Bureau of WIPO

Useful information

The PCT Applicant’s Guide is updated almost every week with information received by the International Bureau.
In case of question, please contact the International Bureau:
List of abbreviations used in this document:
Office: International Bureau of WIPO
List of currencies used in this document:
CHF (Swiss franc), EUR (Euro), USD (US dollar)
Countries and Offices information:
The list of acronyms used for Offices is no longer shown as it has been integrated in the mouseover functionality for each ST.3 code shown in this document.
Refer to List of WIPO Standards, Recommendations and Guidelines formerly Annex K, List of country names and two-letter codes. It includes a list of short names and two-letter codes accepted for use in indicating States, other entities and intergovernmental organizations and their Offices in documents relating to international applications under the PCT. The list is as set out in WIPO Standard ST.3.
Also refer to PCT Contracting States formerly Annex A.
Office profile
For more technical information about the Office, refer to ePCT Office profile.
PCT Reservations, Declarations, Notifications and Incompatibilities
The Office does not have any reservations, declarations, notifications or incompatibilities.
Refer to the full list.
Office Closed dates
The Office is closed weekly on Saturday and Sunday
Additional closed dates can be consulted on the Office Closed dates page

International Phase

Annex B - Information on Contracting States or Intergovernmental Organization

World Intellectual Property Organization
Two-letter code:
This code is used where the International Bureau acts as receiving Office (refer to Annex C). (Code “WO” is used for the purposes of international publication under the PCT.)
International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) - International Bureau of WIPO
Name of Office:
International Bureau of WIPO
34 chemin des Colombettes
Mailing address:
P.O. Box 18
1211 Geneva 20
(41-22) 338 91 11 (WIPO practical information)
PCT receiving Office (RO/IB)
(41-22) 338 92 22
PCT Operations Teams of the IB
Please look into the PCT team lookup tool:
PCT Information Service
(41-22) 338 83 38
WIPO PCT eServices Help Desk
(41-22) 338 95 23
PCT receiving Office (RO/IB)
PCT Operations Teams of the IB
Please look into the PCT team lookup tool:
PCT Information Service
PCT eServices Help Desk
Online contact service:
ePCT Business Continuity Service:
(filing and submission of documents as an alternative to fax transmission and where ePCT is not available)
Only limited services are available for sending faxes to the International Bureau, including as receiving Office, in exceptional situations. For further information, refer to:
(41-22) 338 82 70
(41-22) 338 90 90
Does the Office accept the filing of documents by facsimile or the like means (PCT Rule 92.4)?
Only limited services are available for sending faxes to the International Bureau, including as receiving Office, in exceptional situations. For further information, refer to:
Yes, by facsimile
Which kinds of documents may be so transmitted?
All kinds of documents
Must the original of the document be furnished in all cases?
Yes, within 14 days from the date of the transmission, if the transmitted document is the international application or a replacement sheet containing corrections or amendments of the international application
No, only upon invitation in the case of other documents
Does the Office send notifications via e-mail in respect of international applications?
Would the Office accept evidence of mailing a document, in case of loss or delay, where a delivery service other than the postal authorities is used (PCT Rule 82.1)?
Does the Office excuse delays in meeting time limits due to the unavailability of electronic means of communication (PCT Rule 82quater.2(a))?
For the relevant notification by the Office refer to the Official Notices (PCT Gazette) dated 16 November 2023, pages 217 et seq.
Yes, the Office, also in its function as receiving Office, excuses delays in meeting time limits where the time limit was not met because the ePCT system, or the ePCT Business Continuity Service was unavailable for a minimum of a continuous one hour period on a specific working day and where the respective action was performed on the next working day on which the relevant system became available again.
Is the Office prepared to allow applicants to make applications available to the WIPO Digital Access Service for Priority Documents (DAS) (PCT Rule 17.1(b-bis)?
More information about WIPO DAS is available at:
Yes, the Office allows applicants to make international applications available to the WIPO DAS.
Competent receiving Office(s) for international applications filed by nationals or residents of the following States:
Applicants may file with the IB only if the national security provisions allow filing of patent applications abroad. Compliance with such provisions is the applicant’s responsibility and will not be checked by the IB.
All PCT Contracting States (refer to Annex C)
Payment methods accepted by the Office:
For further details on the payment of fees refer to the WIPO website at:
Fees and charges payable to the International Bureau in particular circumstances:
For further details on the payment of fees refer to the WIPO website at:
Early publication, upon request of the applicant, where the international search report or the declaration under PCT Article 17(2)(a) is not available for publication with the international application (PCT Rule 48.4(a))
200 CHF
Publication of information concerning a late request to add or correct a priority claim (PCT Rule 26bis.2(e)) or publication of a refused request for rectification (PCT Rule 91.3(d))
50 CHF
— for each sheet in excess of one
plus 12 CHF
Copy of the record copy of an international application (PCT Rule 94.1)
35 CHF
— if certified as true copy of the record copy
50 CHF
Certified copy of a published international application
35 CHF
Copy of a priority document (PCT Rule 17.2(c) or 94.1)
35 CHF
— if certified as true copy of the priority document
50 CHF
Copy of a document in the file (other than the record copy, the published application or the priority document) (PCT Rule 94.1)
per page, plus 2 CHF
— if certified as true copy of the document concerned
plus 15 CHF
Copy, on CD-ROM, of sequence listings contained in published international applications or priority documents, produced upon request of a third party
35 CHF
plus shipping costs
Transmitting to a designated Office a copy of an international application, upon request of the applicant (PCT Rule 31.1(b))
35 CHF
Supplement for airmail
10 CHF
Supplementary search fees:
Applicants may file with the International Bureau only if the national security provisions allow filing of patent applications abroad. Compliance with such provisions is the applicant’s responsibility and will not be checked by the International Bureau.
The International Bureau shall refund this fee where the supplementary search request has not yet been transmitted to the Authority specified for supplementary search and the international application is withdrawn or considered withdrawn, or the supplementary search request is withdrawn or considered not to have been submitted (refer to PCT Rule 45bis.3(d)).
Supplementary search fee (PCT Rule 45bis.3):
Refer to
Annex SISA(AT)
Annex SISA(EP)
Annex SISA(FI)
Annex SISA(RU)
Annex SISA(SE)
Annex SISA(SG)
Annex SISA(TR)
Annex SISA(UA)
Annex SISA(XN)
Annex SISA(XV)
Supplementary search handling fee (PCT Rule 45bis.2):
200 CHF
Late payment fee (PCT Rule 45bis.4(c)):
100 CHF
Waiver of power of attorney:
Waivers of powers of attorney do not apply (PCT Rule 90.4(e) and 90.5(d)) where the agent or common representative submits any notice of withdrawal during the international phase (PCT Rule 90bis.1 to 90bis.4, also refer to International Phase, paragraph 11.048).
Has the Office waived the requirement that a separate power of attorney be submitted?
Particular instances in which a separate power of attorney is required:
Upon appointment of, or for any paper submitted by, an agent or a common representative who was not indicated in the request form at the time of filing
Has the Office waived the requirement that a copy of a general power of attorney be submitted?
Not applicable for the function of International Bureau
Particular instances in which a copy of a general power of attorney is required:
Not applicable for the function of International Bureau

Annex C - Receiving Office

Competent receiving Office for nationals and residents of:
Applicants may file with the International Bureau only if the national security provisions allow filing of patent applications abroad. Compliance with such provisions is the applicant’s responsibility and will not be checked by the International Bureau.
The International Bureau is the only competent receiving Office for the following Contracting States: Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Dominica, Guatemala, Kuwait, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Madagascar, Nigeria, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Sri Lanka and United Arab Emirates.
All PCT Contracting States
Language in which international applications may be filed:
If the language in which the international application is filed is not accepted by the International Searching Authority (refer to Annex D), the applicant will have to furnish a translation (PCT Rule 12.3). If the language in which the international application is filed is not a language of publication and no translation is required for the purposes of international search (PCT Rule 12.3(a)), the applicant will have to furnish a translation of the application into one of the languages of publication (PCT Rule 12.4(a)).
Any language
Language accepted for language-dependent free text in the sequence listing:
Any language; or English and any other language
Language in which the request may be filed:
Any language of publication
Number of copies required by the receiving Office if application filed on paper:
Does the receiving Office accept the filing of international applications in electronic form?
Where the international application is filed in electronic form in accordance with and to the extent provided for in Part 7 and Annex F of the Administrative Instructions, the total amount of the international filing fee is reduced (refer to “Fees payable to the RO”). Where the international application contains a sequence listing as a separate part of the description, this should be furnished in accordance with Annex C of the Administrative Instructions, that is, in compliance with WIPO Standard ST.26 XML format; no fees are due for sequence listings filed in this format.
In case of failure of electronic systems when an international application is to be filed with the International Bureau as receiving Office, the applicant may use the ePCT Business Continuity Service, submit documents on physical media (CD-R or DVD-R), or use a different receiving Office. For the relevant notification by the International Bureau acting as receiving Office, refer to the Official Notices (PCT Gazette) dated 11 February 2021, pages 23 et seq. and 16 November 2023, page 215.
Yes, the Office accepts electronic filing via ePCT-Filing or EPO Online Filing
Does the receiving Office accept the submission of pre-conversion documents and, if yes, in which format (Section 706 of the PCT Administrative Instructions)?
Yes, any format
Does the receiving Office accept incorporation by reference (PCT Rule 20.6)?
Does the receiving Office accept the submission of color drawings on an informal basis and transmit them to the International Bureau?
Yes, the International Bureau as receiving Office accepts the submission of color or greyscale drawings or photographs on an informal basis (for further information refer to International Phase, paragraph 5.159).
Does the receiving Office accept requests for restoration of the right of priority (PCT Rule 26bis.3)?
Yes, the Office applies both the “unintentional” and the “due care” criteria to such requests
Competent International Searching Authority:
Any International Searching Authority(ies) which would have been competent if the international application had been filed with any other receiving Office of, or acting for, the PCT Contracting State of which the applicant (or, if there is more than one applicant, at least one of the applicants) is a national or resident (refer to Annexes B for such other competent receiving Offices, Annex C for the corresponding competent International Searching Authorities, and below for the States for which the International Bureau acts instead of their national Offices pursuant to PCT Rules 19.1(b) and 35.3).
Where the applicant is a national or a resident of the United States of America, the Australian Patent Office may be chosen as the competent International Searching Authority and/or International Preliminary Examining Authority for certain international applications only. For further details concerning which international applications this is restricted to, refer to Official Notices (PCT Gazette) dated 23 October 2008, pages 131 et seq.
For nationals and residents of Angola:
Austria - Austrian Patent Office
Brazil - National Institute of Industrial Property (Brazil)
China - China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA)
European Patent Organisation - European Patent Office (EPO)
For nationals and residents of Antigua and Barbuda:
Canada - Canadian Intellectual Property Office
European Patent Organisation - European Patent Office (EPO)
For nationals and residents of Barbados:
Austria - Austrian Patent Office
European Patent Organisation - European Patent Office (EPO)
Sweden - Swedish Intellectual Property Office (PRV)
United States of America - United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
For nationals and residents of Dominica:
Canada - Canadian Intellectual Property Office
European Patent Organisation - European Patent Office (EPO)
For nationals and residents of Guatemala:
Austria - Austrian Patent Office
Brazil - National Institute of Industrial Property (Brazil)
Chile - National Institute of Industrial Property (Chile)
European Patent Organisation - European Patent Office (EPO)
Spain - Spanish Patent and Trademark Office
United States of America - United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
For nationals and residents of Kuwait:
Egypt - Egyptian Patent Office
European Patent Organisation - European Patent Office (EPO)
For nationals and residents of Lao People’s Democratic Republic:
China - China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA)
European Patent Organisation - European Patent Office (EPO)
Japan - Japan Patent Office (JPO)
Republic of Korea - Korean Intellectual Property Office
Singapore - Intellectual Property Office of Singapore
For nationals and residents of Madagascar:
Austria - Austrian Patent Office
European Patent Organisation - European Patent Office (EPO)
Russian Federation - Federal Service for Intellectual Property (Rospatent) (Russian Federation)
Sweden - Swedish Intellectual Property Office (PRV)
For nationals and residents of Nigeria:
Austria - Austrian Patent Office
Australia - Australian Patent Office
Canada - Canadian Intellectual Property Office
European Patent Organisation - European Patent Office (EPO)
For nationals and residents of Saint Lucia:
Austria - Austrian Patent Office
Australia - Australian Patent Office
European Patent Organisation - European Patent Office (EPO)
United States of America - United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
For nationals and residents of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines:
Australia - Australian Patent Office
Canada - Canadian Intellectual Property Office
European Patent Organisation - European Patent Office (EPO)
United States of America - United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
For nationals and residents of Sri Lanka:
Australia - Australian Patent Office
European Patent Organisation - European Patent Office (EPO)
Republic of Korea - Korean Intellectual Property Office
Sweden - Swedish Intellectual Property Office (PRV)
For nationals and residents of the United Arab Emirates:
Austria - Austrian Patent Office
Australia - Australian Patent Office
Republic of Korea - Korean Intellectual Property Office
Competent International Preliminary Examining Authority:
Any International Preliminary Examining Authority(ies) which would have been competent if the international application had been filed with any other receiving Office of, or acting for, the PCT Contracting State of which the applicant (or, if there is more than one applicant, at least one of the applicants) is a national or resident (refer to Annexes B for such other competent receiving Offices, Annex C for the corresponding competent International Preliminary Examining Authorities, and below for the States for which the International Bureau acts instead of their national Offices pursuant to PCT Rules 19.1(b) and 59.1(b)).
Where the applicant is a national or a resident of the United States of America, the Australian Patent Office may be chosen as the competent International Searching Authority and/or International Preliminary Examining Authority for certain international applications only. For further details concerning which international applications this is restricted to, refer to Official Notices (PCT Gazette) dated 23 October 2008, pages 131 et seq.
For nationals and residents of Angola:
Austria - Austrian Patent Office
Brazil - National Institute of Industrial Property (Brazil)

China - China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA)
The Office is competent only if the international search is or has been carried out by that Office.
European Patent Organisation - European Patent Office (EPO)
The Office is competent only if the international search is or has been carried out by that Office or the Austrian Patent Office.
For nationals and residents of Antigua and Barbuda:
Canada - Canadian Intellectual Property Office
European Patent Organisation - European Patent Office (EPO)

The Office is competent only if the international search is or has been carried out by that Office.
For nationals and residents of Barbados:
Austria - Austrian Patent Office
Sweden - Swedish Intellectual Property Office (PRV)

European Patent Organisation - European Patent Office (EPO)
The Office is competent only if the international search is or has been carried out by that Office, the Austrian Patent Office or the Swedish Intellectual Property Office (PRV).
United States of America - United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
The Office is competent only if the international search is or has been carried out by that Office.
For nationals and residents of Dominica:
Canada - Canadian Intellectual Property Office
European Patent Organisation - European Patent Office (EPO)

The Office is competent only if the international search is or has been carried out by that Office.
For nationals and residents of Guatemala:
Austria - Austrian Patent Office
Brazil - National Institute of Industrial Property (Brazil)
Spain - Spanish Patent and Trademark Office

Chile - National Institute of Industrial Property (Chile)
United States of America - United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)

The Office is competent only if the international search is or has been carried out by that Office.
European Patent Organisation - European Patent Office (EPO)
The Office is competent only if the international search is or has been carried out by that Office, the Austrian Patent Office or the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office.
For nationals and residents of Kuwait:
Egypt - Egyptian Patent Office
European Patent Organisation - European Patent Office (EPO)
The Office is competent only if the international search is or has been carried out by that Office.
For nationals and residents of Lao People’s Democratic Republic:
Republic of Korea - Korean Intellectual Property Office
China - China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA)
European Patent Organisation - European Patent Office (EPO)
Japan - Japan Patent Office (JPO)
Singapore - Intellectual Property Office of Singapore

The Office is competent only if the international search is or has been carried out by that Office.
For nationals and residents of Madagascar:
Austria - Austrian Patent Office
Russian Federation - Federal Service for Intellectual Property (Rospatent) (Russian Federation)
Sweden - Swedish Intellectual Property Office (PRV)

European Patent Organisation - European Patent Office (EPO)
The Office is competent only if the international search is or has been carried out by that Office, the Austrian Patent Office or the Swedish Intellectual Property Office (PRV).
For nationals and residents of Nigeria:
Austria - Austrian Patent Office
Australia - Australian Patent Office

Canada - Canadian Intellectual Property Office
European Patent Organisation - European Patent Office (EPO)

The Office is competent only if the international search is or has been carried out by that Office.
For nationals and residents of Saint Lucia:
Austria - Austrian Patent Office
Australia - Australian Patent Office

European Patent Organisation - European Patent Office (EPO)
The Office is competent only if the international search is or has been carried out by that Office or the Austrian Patent Office.
United States of America - United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
The Office is competent only if the international search is or has been carried out by that Office.
For nationals and residents of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines:
Australia - Australian Patent Office
Canada - Canadian Intellectual Property Office
European Patent Organisation - European Patent Office (EPO)
United States of America - United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)

The Office is competent only if the international search is or has been carried out by that Office.
For nationals and residents of Sri Lanka:
Australia - Australian Patent Office
Republic of Korea - Korean Intellectual Property Office
Sweden - Swedish Intellectual Property Office (PRV)

European Patent Organisation - European Patent Office (EPO)
The Office is competent only if the international search is or has been carried out by that Office or the Swedish Intellectual Property Office (PRV).
For nationals and residents of the United Arab Emirates:
Austria - Austrian Patent Office
Australia - Australian Patent Office
Republic of Korea - Korean Intellectual Property Office
Fees payable to the RO:
The international filing fee and the fee per sheet in excess of 30 are reduced by 90% if the international application is filed by:
(a) an applicant who is a natural person and who is a national of and resides in a State whose per capita gross domestic product is below 25,000 USD (according to the most recent 10-year average per capita gross domestic product figures at constant 2005 US dollar values published by the United Nations), and whose nationals and residents who are natural persons have filed less than 10 international applications per year (per million population) or less than 50 international applications per year (in absolute numbers) according to the most recent five-year average yearly filing figures published by the International Bureau; or
(b) an applicant, whether a natural person or not, who is a national of and resides in a State that is listed as being classified by the United Nations as a least developed country;
provided that, if there are several applicants, each must satisfy the criteria set out in either sub-item (a) or (b).
Applicants who qualify for the 90% reduction of the international filing fee do not have to pay the transmittal fee.
For further details of the applicability of the 90% reduction, refer to and Official Notices (PCT Gazette) dated 5 March 2020, pages 45 et seq., Schedule of Fees, item 5. It is to be noted that, if both the electronic filing reduction and the 90% reduction of the international filing fee are applicable, the 90% reduction is calculated after the electronic filing reduction.
For further details on the payment of fees refer to the WIPO website at:
Transmittal fee:
100 CHF
107 EUR
117 USD
International filing fee:
1,330 CHF
1,417 EUR
1,555 USD
Fee per sheet in excess of 30:
Where the international application is filed in electronic form in accordance with and to the extent provided for in Part 7 and Annex F of the Administrative Instructions, the total amount of the international filing fee is reduced (refer to “Fees payable to the RO”). Where the international application contains a sequence listing as a separate part of the description, this should be furnished in accordance with Annex C of the Administrative Instructions, that is, in compliance with WIPO Standard ST.26 XML format; no fees are due for sequence listings filed in this format.
15 CHF
16 EUR
18 USD
Reductions (under Schedule of Fees, item 4):
Electronic filing (the request not being in character coded format):
100 CHF
107 EUR
117 USD
Electronic filing (the request in character coded format):
200 CHF
213 EUR
234 USD
Electronic filing (the request, description, claims and abstract in character coded format):
300 CHF
320 EUR
351 USD
Search fee:
For the amounts, refer to Annex D corresponding to International Searching Authority chosen by applicant
Fee for priority document (PCT Rule 17.1(b)):
No fee is due where the priority document is established, in accordance with Rule 17.1(b), for the purposes of an international application nor where the Office is requested to make priority documents available via the WIPO Digital Access Service for Priority Documents (DAS) (refer to Annex B).
50 CHF
53 EUR
58 USD
— Supplement for airmail:
10 CHF
11 EUR
12 USD
Fee for requesting restoration of the right of priority (PCT Rule 26bis.3(d)):
Is an agent required by the receiving Office?
Who can act as agent?
Any person who has the right to practice before the national Office of, or acting for, a Contracting State of which the applicant or, if there are two or more applicants, any of the applicants is a resident or national, or, where the International Bureau acts as receiving Office pursuant to PCT Rule 19.1(b), any natural or legal person
Waiver of power of attorney:
Waivers of powers of attorney do not apply (PCT Rule 90.4(e) and 90.5(d)) where the agent or common representative submits any notice of withdrawal during the international phase (PCT Rule 90bis.1 to 90bis.4, also refer to International Phase, paragraph 11.048).
Has the Office waived the requirement that a separate power of attorney be submitted?
Particular instances in which a separate power of attorney is required:
Upon appointment of, or for any paper submitted by, an agent or a common representative who was not indicated on the request form at the time of filing
Has the Office waived the requirement that a copy of a general power of attorney be submitted?
Particular instances in which a copy of a general power of attorney is required:
Upon appointment of, or for any paper submitted by, an agent or a common representative who was not indicated on the request form at the time of filing
Current version applicable from 1 Jan 2025 , printed on 28 Mar 2025