Payment methods accepted by the Office:
As RO:
The fees for international filing and international search can be transferred to one of the account numbers given to each payer during the international filing.
The fee for international preliminary examination can be paid by wire transfer or online by credit card. The payment can be effected by following the instructions below.
1. Wire transfer information
(1) Bank name: National Agricultural Cooperative Federation, Government Complex Daejeon Branch
(3) Account No.: 676-01-011484
(4) Beneficiary’s name: KIPO
Please note that when you make a wire transfer, you will need to consider the sender and intermediary's bank processing fees for the purpose of transferring the exact amounts of the fees. In order to ensure that KIPO receives the full payment, the wire sender should inform their bank that they will be responsible for all intermediary bank processing fees. This amount may vary depending on the number of banking entities involved in the money transfer.
Please include the PCT application number, name of applicant, type of the fee to be paid, amount that should be paid, etc. in the remittance information so that payment is assigned to the correct application.
2. Credit card payment information
Payment of fees by credit card on KIPO’s website: https://www.
=> PCT ISA Portal => PCT Fees Payment. If you enter your international application number and password (file reference), Payment information is displayed. You can proceed with the credit card payment according to the displayed information.
Note that you can find your list for payment after you have sent ISA/KR or IPEA/KR a letter to express your intention to pay the fees.
As DO:
The fees can be transferred to one of the account numbers given to each payer upon entry into the national phase.